Adding and removing Adobe users It is okay to add users through the Adobe admin console. If you have a lot, you can send a...
NE Canvas FAQ This Document is maintained by the Nebraska Canvas Consortium, and is primarily of interest to that group, it contains contact...
Intercom System Does Not Open Doors If only one intercom isn’t working, try doing a hard reset by pulling it from the switch and plugging it...
Lincoln Lutheran email deliverability I’m just using this as a space to record changes to our DNS records as they pertain to email deliverability,...
Add a volunteer or employee to the WiFi network Login to Extreme Cloud IQ Use your school email address and the password you setup to login at Add...
Creating Accounts For New Staff Members NOTE: There is a spreadsheet called New Staff Checklist where you can record these steps as you go through them....
Notes on the Commons TVs These notes are concerning the operation of the TVs and to a lesser extent the devices hooked up to them....
Setting up new staff on Desktop PCs Just some reminders on what to do when you setup a new PC for someone or add a new user...
ScoreVision Screens The screens in the gym have an aspect ratio of 16:9 (this is standard for a 1080 or 4k television)....
Monitors going black on Macs with new AV equipment Mr. Ball has twice experienced his monitors going black intermittently. This seems to be related to an interaction between the...
Camera display in office is not working The monitor that displays a few camera views in the corner of the office it a little temperamental about the...
Setting up a Swivl Link Initial Setup Start the Swivl and iPad normally, and open the Swivl app. Plug the Link into the Swivl. A...
Checking PowerSchool Final Grade Setup This is the link to check the Final Grade Setup in PowerSchool: This is a custom URL and will...
My website is a blank screen Something strange happened and your website no longer has an active theme. It’s pretty easy to fix this. You can...
How do I restore a Lincoln Lutheran rental iPad? This article is intended for Lincoln Lutheran Tech Crew: Steps to restore a rental iPad: In settings -> general ->...
Preparing loaner/rental iPads Note: There is a backup of the loaner iPads on Mr. Sommerer’s computer if you don’t have the Model Loaner...
Importing NDE unique identifiers into Powerschool 1) Get the import file from the office. They evidently make this file in the Summer, but can access them...
Parents and Students Can’t See Schedule in PowerSchool NOTE: This is an internal document. There’s nothing here that a parent or student can do to fix this directly....
Bells are not working When the bells are not working it is probably because the Bell Commander program can not communicate with the phone...