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Setting up student teacher accounts

  1. NOTE: If they have to have zoom accounts, you will need to give them actual @lincolnlutheran.org email addresses. We did this in 2022.
  2. Get names, cooperating teachers, and email addresses from Sheila. Verify that the the initial PowerSchool information has been entered.
  3. In PowerSchool (Sheila):
    1. Create them as new staff. On the Information screen: Name, Email (their personal email), Title as “Student Teacher”, Teacher Number as 2324STXX (where XX is the next number: 01,02,03… –you can start over each year), Staff Type as “Teacher”, and clicked Active then submit.
    2. Go to the schedule for their cooperating teacher; click on each section (on the section number) and add them under Teachers/Staff – Additional as a Co-teacher and then Submit. Repeat for all sections (right click and open in new tab for all of them would be quickest).
    3. Repeat for each student teacher
    4. This would be a good time to look back for old student teachers and change their accounts so that they are no longer Active (on the information screen).
  4. In Powerschool (Lloyd)
    1. On the Security screen: Check “Sign in to PowerTeacher”, Username: first initial + last name (lsommerer), password: their password from the email + “-first”. They will have to change this to their real password. Then click submit.
  5. In Google:
    1. Create real @lincolnlutheran.org accounts for them in the Misc -> Student Teachers OU. Use the Extreme Network password that you used above. Delete any old student teacher email accounts.
    2. Add each of them to the “Student Teacher” group. This group is already part of Teachers and Everyone, so you don’t have to add them to those groups. If they are student teaching with a 6th grade teacher, add them to the 6th grade class group (just that teacher).
    3. This would be a good time to remove any previous student teachers from this group, or just delete their accounts.
  6. Send them the first email below (you should just have to add the name at the start, their email, and the WiFi password).
  7. The next day, after the PowerSchool schedule has synced to Canvas.
    1. Add their passwords to their Canvas account
    2. Send them a followup email (below) to their LL address to make sure they are working.
    3. Send their cooperating teachers the followup email (below below).


I’m the technology coordinator at Lincoln Lutheran, and I want to let you know about a couple of things.

1) I am setting you up with a Lincoln Lutheran email address. It’s a gmail account, and you can log in at gmail.com. Your email address is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Your password is YYYYYYYYYY. Our students are used to mailing teachers with addresses of the form: First Initial+LastName@lincolnlutheran.org, so you’ll have one just like the rest of us.

2) If you don’t want to check another email account, you could have these emails forwarded to another address. You do this in settings on the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab. I’d be glad to help you with this if you want.

3) You have also been added to our various email lists, and you will probably begin receiving emails shortly. If you setup forwarding, you might want to setup an email rule that adds [LL] –or whatever– to incoming email from lincolnlutheran.org. I can help you with that if you want. This will be an annoying amount of email after you are finished student teaching here, and I will forget to take you off the email lists, so please send me a reminder when you’re annoyed and I will remove you. 

4) Your WiFi password for the “LL Educational WiFi” is the same as the email password above. You could also use the “LL Guest WiFi” which doesn’t have a password, but you will not be able to print or connect to the AppleTVs (to project). And it would ask you every few hours to reconnect. It’s quite annoying.

For the two items below, I’ll send you another email letting you know when they are setup.

5) Mrs. Psencik will be adding you to PowerSchool (our Student Information System), which you will use when you are taking attendance (and not really anything else). You log into PowerSchool at: https://ll.powerschool.com/teachers. Your username is your firstinitial+lastname (like the first part of your Lincoln Lutheran email address), and a temporary password has been set to your above email password with “-first” at the end (without the quotation marks). You will be prompted to change this. You can change it to whatever password you would like, but I would suggest using your Lincoln Lutheran email password, because you can’t change your password on all of your Lincoln Lutheran accounts, and it might be nice to have just one password for everything while you are with us. 

6) The day after your PowerSchool account is setup, your Canvas (our Learning Management System) account will be automatically setup. If you haven’t used Canvas before, it is more or less like Blackboard, Moodle, Schoology and their ilk. You’ll log on to it at https://ll.instructure.com. Your username is firstinitial+lastname (like the first part of your Lincoln Lutheran email address), and your password is the same as your email password above.

7) All of the future communications you receive from Lincoln Lutheran (including the followup to this email that I’ll send tomorrow) will be to your new @lincolnlutheran.org email account, so either check it regularly, or have it forwarded to an account that you do check regularly.

8) If you could reply that you got this message, I’ll know that I have your email address correct. I look forward to meeting you, and let me know if you have any questions.

Lloyd Sommerer
Technology Coordinator
Lincoln Lutheran

Followup Email:


Your Canvas and PowerSchool usernames and passwords should be working now. Would you try to login to them and let me know how it goes? For both of these, your username is the first part of your Lincoln Lutheran email address.

For Canvas your password is the password from the previous email. The login for Canvas is: ll.instructure.com

For PowerSchool your temporary password is the temporary password from the previous email. PowerSchool will make you change your password after your first login. It would be easiest to use the same password that you are using for the rest of your Lincoln. The login for PowerSchool is ll.powerschool.com/teachers

The easiest way to get to both of these sites is to go to the Lincoln Lutheran website: lincolnlutheran.org, click on Menu on the home page and then click on For Faculty & Staff on the right. All the links you might need are there. 

I’m going to send an email to the teachers group right after I send this. Would you let me know if you get it? I just want to make sure that those emails are also getting to you.



Cooperating Teacher email:

I just added your student teacher to Canvas and PowerSchool and they also have a wi-fi password and a Lincoln Lutheran email account.

You don’t have to add them to your Canvas courses anymore. We take care of that now by making them co-teachers in PowerSchool. This means that they can take attendance in PowerSchool should you want them to do so.

This also means that they are teachers in your Canvas Course. In the past, some of you might have started them off as a TA or Student in Canvas at first. I don’t know if you can change them to a TA or Student. If you’re interested in that, try it and let me know if it worked.

Updated on January 11, 2024
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