Fixing Sync Problems between PowerSchool and Canvas This marks the second year that we’ve had problems with PowerSchool/Canvas integrations. I believe I have a faster system now...
Parents: Changing Notifications in Canvas After you log into Canvas for the first time as a parent/observer, you’ll want to set if/when Canvas sends you...
FACTS & Canvas for Coaches, Directors, & Advisors Head Coaches, Directors, and Advisors at Lincoln Lutheran receive both FACTS and Canvas accounts automatically. Additionally, your students are automatically...
Problems Logging into Canvas NOTE: If you are finding this from a search engine, some of these hints will only apply to how we...
Accessing Previous Teacher’s Courses in Canvas To access the materials that a former teacher used in their class, create a new Canvas course and import the...
Installing the Respondus Lockdown Browser The easiest way to install the Lockdown Browser is to go to a quiz or test that requires the Lockdown...
How do I add my student to my parent Canvas account? NOTE: at Lincoln Lutheran, your children should automatically be added to your Canvas account. So you won’t have to do...
IXL Canvas Integration Fixing Error 21 Clicking on the IXL Learning link in Canvas can result in the message, “Error code 21: We could not sign...
Calendar doesn’t work in the Canvas App for iPad There are two things that seem to work to fix this, and a third to try if the first two...
Courses not showing up in app If you have courses that are not showing up in the Canvas App, you can fix this by making the...
How do I write on PDFs in Canvas? As you know, eBackpack had built in tools to let you write on (annotate) certain kinds of documents. As you...
Setting up student teacher accounts ————————————Hello McKenna, I’m the technology coordinator at Lincoln Lutheran, and I want to let you know about a couple of...
Syncing Canvas grades automatically every night to PowerSchool Syncing Grades Canvas now lets you automatically sync grades with PowerSchool every evening. You can still manually sync grades at...
Setting up grade syncing from Canvas to PowerSchool NOTE: You have to do this for every new course. These settings are not copied when you copy a course....