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  3. How can I edit/view a seating chart for the next day?

How can I edit/view a seating chart for the next day?

There is no convenient way to view the seating charts for the next school day, because PowerSchool doesn’t want you to accidently take attendance for the wrong day’s class. But here’s a work around for that:

  1. Log into PowerSchool
  2. Hover over the Lunch Count icon (knife & fork) for the section for which you want to edit the seating chart. The URL for that link will pop-up in the lower left hand corner of your browser window.
  3. Note the sectionID number for that course. It should be something like the 20557 as in the example above. You might want to write it down. It is not the last number in the URL. 
  4. Navigate to the seating chart for one of today’s classes (click the chair then either the Seating Cart or Seating Chart Design tab).
  5. Change the sectionid part of the URL from the current section to the one that you noted in step 3 above and press return. Note that if you enter a number that is not one of your sections, you will be logged out of PowerSchool.
Updated on September 11, 2019
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