Percentages, but not Letter Grades showing in FACTS Set letter grades for all classes Recalculate all of the gradebooks
Teachers checking student grades for access, ap, study hall, and, sports Students you have in a class including Access, AP, and Study Hall. Log in to PowerSchool Teacher as you normally...
Parents and Students Can’t See Schedule in PowerSchool NOTE: This is an internal document. There’s nothing here that a parent or student can do to fix this directly....
Copying Traditional Grade Calculations between classes. Each semester, you have to setup Traditional Grade Calculations (formerly Final Grade Setup) for each of your classes. But you...
Setting Traditional Grade Calculations in PowerTeacher Pro Each semester you have to setup Traditional Grade Calculations in PowerTeacher Pro. Don’t put this off, because students and parents...
Syncing Canvas grades automatically every night to PowerSchool Syncing Grades Canvas now lets you automatically sync grades with PowerSchool every evening. You can still manually sync grades at...
Setting up grade syncing from Canvas to PowerSchool NOTE: You have to do this for every new course. These settings are not copied when you copy a course....
Adding Comments to PowerTeacher Pro Select the course and term Open PowerTeacher Pro and select the course that you want to enter comments for. Select...